Presenting Your Paper
Step 1:
One day before your presentation, bring an electronic copy of your presentation in either PowerPoint or PDF (Adobe Acrobat) to the Speaker Ready Room located in room Union Square 1, 4th Floor of Tower 3. IBM PC versions ONLY.
You may use a thumb drive/USB drive to transfer your presentation in the speaker-ready room. Electronic projection is required for all technical papers.
Alternatively, the speaker-ready room will have QR code available for speakers to upload their slides/presentation.
Step 2:
Report to the room assigned to your presentation 30 minutes before the session begins. Your Session Chair will instruct you on use of the microphone and the controls to advance the images in your presentation.
You will have a laser pointer to direct the audience’s attention to a particular area of an image during your presentation. Please observe proper etiquette with this pointer: do not turn it on when it is not needed. When it is needed, please point carefully to the area of interest rather than wave it carelessly across the screen.
The audience will have microphones available for the question-and-answer period. However, if a question is inaudible to everyone in the room, please repeat the question yourself before answering it. If there is difficulty understanding a question due to a language barrier, please ask your session chair for assistance.
Time Allowed for Presentation
Both regular papers and late news papers are allotted 20 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for a question-and-answer period following each talk. The Session Chairperson will introduce the speakers and will moderate the question-and-answer period.